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Application Form - 16-19 Hardship Funding

Section 1: Personal Details (Used to verify you as a current/potential student)
Student Reference
First Forename
Date Of Birth

Required Evidence Information
Please note that failure to provde the required\requested evidence will delay your application.

Discretionary Bursary - Eligibility Criteria

Household Income

Entitlement to means-tested state benefit, such as:

  • Tax Credit Award Notice
  • Three most recent monthly award statements for Universal Credit (UC) showing 'take home pay' and amount of Universal Credit after deductions. Monthly total is sum of these two amounts.
  • Income Support Award Statements
  • Other Benefit Award Statements
  • P60 form for year ending 31st March 2024 showing parental annual earnings
  • Three most recent monthly pay slips of all household earners
  • Official Tax Return for year ending 31st March 2024 showing parental annual earnings
  • Three most recent monthly bank statements for all household earners

Vulnerable Bursary

Eligibility CriteriaEvidence
In Care
  • Written confirmation of the students' current looked-after statusfrom the relevant local authority
  • Evidence from School Records
A Care Leaver
  • Written Confirmation of the students' prior looked-after status from the relevant local authority
  • Evidence from School Records
A student in receipt of Income Support ot Universal Credit (UC)
  • Income Support or Universal Credit award notice. This must clearly state thet the claim is in the student's name or confirm they are entitled to the benifits in their own right
  • For Students in receipt of Universal Credit, also a document such as a tenancy agreement int he student;s name, a child benifit receipt, or a birth certificate of a child of the bursary applicant.
A student in receipt of Universal Credit (UC) or Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and disability living allowance or personal independance payments Universal Credit award notice. This must clearly state that the claim is in the student's name or confirm they are entitled to the benifits in their own right.

Evidence of receipt of Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independance Payments must also be provided.

* students eligible for the vulnerable bursary may be asked to evidence household income to support the College in assessing financial need.