RSP-DAN-VAR-P33-100, Dance Associate Programme - Term 3, 22/23
Please complete the below form to signup to the Dance Associates Programme.
A charge of will be requested via an online form following the completion of this form. Only complete this form if you are able to pay this at this time. If you require financial support or have any questions please email for further information.
Emergency Contact Details - Parent/Guardian 1
Emergency Contact Details - Parent/Guardian 2
Additional Information
Current Dance School or training (if applicable)
Please give a brief outline of previous Dance experience/interest in Dance:
Please outline any health or medical conditions that will be relevant to participation and if req, outline of any medication or adaptations that will need to be available
e.g. Inhalers/access requirements:
Please notify us of any ongoing injuries to enable us to ensure safe practice through modifications of delivery. If injuries are under the advice of a physiotherapist (for example) please outline recommendations here:
Declaration & Photo Consent
Please take time to read through this declaration before proceeding
Consent is given for the named person above to be filmed and/or photographed and this media to be shared on Social Media and/or Marketing for the College.
The college will process the information provided in this form for the
purposes of progressing your application or for education, training and
administration purposes. Information will be processed in accordance
with the college’s data protection policy. For more information about
how we manage your personal data and your individual rights please visit
the College’s website.
By signing this form, you confirm the information you have provided is
accurate to the best of your knowledge and that you understand the
information set out in this Privacy Notice.
If I am accepted on the course(s) for which I am now applying, I agree to observe all campus regulations.
I understand that College will store the information on this form and other information while attending the College/LZ6
subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 and the registration of the College under the Act.